I am interested in computer vision, deep learning, generative AI, and virtual worlds. My most recent research is on modeling virtual humans using cameras. Here is a summary of my research:

clean-usnob UPose3D: uncertainty-aware 3D human pose estimation with cross-view and temporal cues
Vandad Davoodnia, Saeed Ghorbani, Marc-André Carbonneau, Alexandre Messier, Ali Etemad
ECCV, 2024

We present an uncertainty-aware 3D pose estimation method through maximizing the likelihood of 3D keypoints based on the differentiable distributions of multi-view 2D keypoints.

[Paper] [Project]
clean-usnob SkelFormer: markerless 3D pose and shape estimation using skeletal transformers
Vandad Davoodnia, Saeed Ghorbani, Alexandre Messier, Ali Etemad
ECCV Workshop, 2024

We present SkelFormer, an inverse-kinematic regression framework for estimating human pose and shape from videos.

[Paper] [Project]
clean-usnob FabriCar: enriching the user experience of in-car media interactions with ubiquitous vehicle interiors using e-textile sensors
Pouya M Khorsandi, Lee Jones, Vandad Davoodnia, Timothy J Lampen, Aliya Conrad, Ali Etemad, Sara Nabil
ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference (DIS), 2023

We investigate the use of e-textiles in cars to reduce driver distraction when performing non-driving tasks like media playback.

[Paper] [PDF]
clean-usnob Human pose estimation from ambiguous pressure recordings with spatio-temporal masked transformers
Vandad Davoodnia, Ali Etemad
IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2023

We propose a temporal variation of the ViTs for pose estimation and pre-train it using a masked auto-encoder framework.

clean-usnob Deep multitask learning for pervasive BMI estimation and identity recognition in smart beds
Vandad Davoodnia, Monet Slinowsky, Ali Etemad
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, 2020

We use neural networks for BMI estimation and user identification from in-bed pressure sensors.

clean-usnob Parse: Pairwise alignment of representations in semi-supervised eeg learning for emotion recognition
Guangyi Zhang, Vandad Davoodnia, Ali Etemad
IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing, 2022

We present PARSE for understanding emotions from EEG data when limited labeled data is available.

[Paper] [Code]
clean-usnob Estimating pose from pressure data for smart beds with deep image-based pose estimators
Vandad Davoodnia, Saeed Ghorbani, Ali Etemad
Journal of Applied Intelligence, 2021

We present a domain adaptation method to improve body pose detection from pressure data.

clean-usnob In-bed pressure-based pose estimation using image space representation learning
Vandad Davoodnia, Saeed Ghorbani, Ali Etemad
IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2021

We address the problems of using standard pose estimation models on pressure maps by transforming unclear pressure maps into a format resembling human figures on normal images.

clean-usnob Computer-aided diagnosis using class-weighted deep neural network
Pritam Sarkar, Vandad Davoodnia, Ali Etemad
IEEE International Conference On Machine Learning And Applications (ICMLA), 2019

We present a deep learning method for diagnosing breast cancer tumors from medical images.

clean-usnob A novel recursive network for irony detection in tweets
Arthur Cruz de Araujo Vandad Davoodnia, Guangyi Zhang, Ali Etemad, Xiaodan Zhu
Course Report, 2019

We present a recursive attention-based Bi-LSTM neural network for irony detection in tweets.

[Paper] [Code]
clean-usnob Classification of hand movements from EEG using a deep attention-based LSTM network
Guangyi Zhang, Vandad Davoodnia, Alireza Sepas-Moghaddam, Yaoxue Zhang, Ali Etemad
IEEE Sensors Journal, 2020

We present a left and right hand movements classification method from EEG signals using LSTM network with added attention mechanism.

clean-usnob Identity and posture recognition in smart beds with deep multitask learning
Vandad Davoodnia, Ali Etemad
IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC), 2019

We introduce a deep learning model that uses pressure sensor arrays to accurately identify a person and their sleep posture.

clean-usnob Prognostication of lignocellulosic biomass pyrolysis behavior using ANFIS model tuned by PSO algorithm
Mortaza Aghbashlo, Meisam Tabatabaei, Mohammad Hossein Nadian, Vandad Davoodnia, Salman Soltanian
Fuel, 2019

We developed an Adaptive Network-based Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) model to estimate biomass pyrolysis behavior and trained it using Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO).

clean-usnob Multifractal detrended fluctuation analysis of continuous neural time series in primate visual cortex
Zahra Fayyaz, Mohammadreza Bahadorian, Jafar Doostmohammadi, Vandad Davoodnia, Sajad Khodadadian, Reza Lashgari
Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 2019

We demonstrated a new method for response tuning of neural activity time-series.

clean-usnob Effect of age and glaucoma on the detection of darks and lights
Linxi Zhao, Caroline Sendek, Vandad Davoodnia, Reza Lashgari, Mitchell W Dul, Qasim Zaidi, Jose-Manuel Alonso
Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science (IOVS), 2015

We developed an iOS and Android App to study the effect of age and glaucoma on response time to light and dark targets.

[Paper] [iOS] [Android]